Sunday, January 30, 2011


I'll admit it, this is quickly becoming a crafting blog. Bear with me. It's what I do when I have a ton of work to do. It relaxes me, it distracts me, it keeps my hands busy while watching really bad TV...

So far, I've explored the world of knitting, then came sewing and now someone has hooked me. With a crochet hook. Up to a week ago the only use I had for crochet hooks was to pick up dropped stitches when knitting. Then a friend shoed me how to use the hook and yarn to make things. Wow.
It's fun, it's faster than knitting, it keeps you engaged differently than knitting.

I got some cotton yarn and started experimenting: single crochet, double crochet, square, round, and then some granny squares. Fun. :)

So within a week I made six different wash cloths. They will all go into the mail for my sister's long-distance baby shower. She's expecting her first baby in June and I want to make a few things for the baby. I sent her some baby socks the other week and have many ideas for more things and am working on this other super-soft and colourful project... But I don't want to disclose anything until it's done.

These are done:

There were a few things I received as gifts before Liam was born that I had no idea I would need so many of - and washcloths were one of those things.

And now that I know how to crochet, I am thinking of crochet project to do and the Babette Blanket has caught my eye...  I'll think about it some more, think about colours, who I would make it for... It would look great in teal and brown over our sofa or it would make a great baby blanket... hmmm...

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