Saturday, September 11, 2010

Liam is off to school!!

This week was Liam's first week of school. He started on Wednesday and the whole family came to send him off! He was a bit nervous but quickly adapted to the classroom. His comment about French? "French is easy!" and indeed he quickly repeated the word of Madame Lisa : "Frapper les mains, tapper les pieds..." "Tete, epaules, genouz, orteilles..." I think he's going to be OK. :)
And this Saturday morning he actually cried when I told him there was no school on Saturdays.
So I sent him off to the library with his new red backpack.

Of course we had a Schultüte for him filled with wonderful school supplies Oma and Opa brought from Germany: a pencil case (Federmäppchen), water colours, a pencil sharpener and of course candy and chocolate.

I cleared off my grandfather's desk for him and he is very proud to have his own space for his precious pencils and notebooks - out of the reach of his little sister!

I think he grew about 5 cm this week.


Friday, September 10, 2010

... and then suddenly she was 2!

At the end of August, Anouk turned 2. My little girl growing up so quickly. So much energy, so much fun, so much talking, exploring, running...

I found this lovely book for her that summarizes all the wishes I have for her, all the blessings I want her to have:

Happy birthday my sweet girl!

Summer vacation

Fun in the sun or fun with daddy's sunglasses:

Relaxing lazy days on the beach:

Anouk throwing rocks into the water:

This beach was really fun until I was spooked by a snake scuttling over our quilt and then a multitude of jellyfish in the water:

Climbing on driftwood:



catch up

It's September and cool weather is settling over the city. An end to a beautiful summer - although I am still banking on some warm autumn days...
I need to catch up on some posting here and there is no way to summarize this in one single post, so I will just publish a sequence of posts that I should have written and published weeks ago...

Here we go!