Monday, January 31, 2011

Things that scare me

Last week we had an Earthquake Awareness Day in BC. Everyone was supposed to practice what to do in case of an earthquake. I didn't dive under the desk at the prescribed time, but it did bring us to think about what to do in case the Big One hits the West Coast. And it terrifies me. For no rational reason. The buildings are well-built, a big earthquake in New Zealand caused damage and scared people, but didn't kill anyone. But, an earthquake is so completely and utterly out of anyone's control - and that's scary. I've been in a couple of minor earthquakes, so I know what shaking ground feels like, but still cannot imagine the Big One.

For the kids it's all a bit more pragmatic: Liam said they practiced getting underneath their tables at school and then "we need to faire la file and go out to the big field".
Anouk told us that they practiced a safety drill at daycare today. When we asked her what it was about she said: "We sat under the table and sang songs."

At least duck and cover doesn't apply to when you "see the flash" anymore...

So, maybe that's the best solution when things are out of your control: to sit under your table and sing a song and wait until the world stops shaking. I think it might work in non-earthquake situations as well.

Have you ever sat under your table and sang a song?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I'll admit it, this is quickly becoming a crafting blog. Bear with me. It's what I do when I have a ton of work to do. It relaxes me, it distracts me, it keeps my hands busy while watching really bad TV...

So far, I've explored the world of knitting, then came sewing and now someone has hooked me. With a crochet hook. Up to a week ago the only use I had for crochet hooks was to pick up dropped stitches when knitting. Then a friend shoed me how to use the hook and yarn to make things. Wow.
It's fun, it's faster than knitting, it keeps you engaged differently than knitting.

I got some cotton yarn and started experimenting: single crochet, double crochet, square, round, and then some granny squares. Fun. :)

So within a week I made six different wash cloths. They will all go into the mail for my sister's long-distance baby shower. She's expecting her first baby in June and I want to make a few things for the baby. I sent her some baby socks the other week and have many ideas for more things and am working on this other super-soft and colourful project... But I don't want to disclose anything until it's done.

These are done:

There were a few things I received as gifts before Liam was born that I had no idea I would need so many of - and washcloths were one of those things.

And now that I know how to crochet, I am thinking of crochet project to do and the Babette Blanket has caught my eye...  I'll think about it some more, think about colours, who I would make it for... It would look great in teal and brown over our sofa or it would make a great baby blanket... hmmm...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Anouk's fashion sense

Anyone who has a toddler knows that they have a fashion sense. Whether it was Liam demanding an orange sweater with a blue monster or Anouk dressing herself in the morning.

Anouk insists on dressing herself most days: "I do it self! I choose!" OK...

This is one of my favourites from the last few weeks:

Snowman pajama top, a dress that fit her when she was 1, blue pants and red rubber boots. And yes, she did go out of the house like that. With a jacket covering up the PJs and the dress. :) And yes, that's a full basket of laundry in the background that contains lots of clothes that are actually her size...

Here she is playing in a box in the kitchen - note the foot sticking out:

They both had a lot of fun in their boxes, cutting out windows, colouring the inside... It was a great way to spend a rainy afternoon!

Here's another shot of Anouk "all dressed up":

The daycare had asked me to make some dress-up clothes for them and I had a great time choosing iridescent and sparkly fabrics and lots of tulle. I made them into easy pull-up skirts and tutus. Anouk just loved the fabrics and wrapping herself in them. :)

And here is a blouse I made for her with some corduroy that I have had in my stash for a while. It's one of my favourite Oliver and S patterns: the 2+2 blouse. The great thing is, once you have sewn a pattern a couple of times it really is easy. 

A new addition to her wardrobe, something to distract her from the dress that is two sizes too small now and an alternative to the PJs.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Liam is growing up...

He lost his first tooth right after Christmas in true Liam style: eating an apple while reading a book. He swallowed the tooth without noticing anything... We had to write a note to the tooth fairy that he had lost the tooth and would be more careful next time. It's a good thing that Liam has a good relationship with fairies, because the tooth fairy was OK with the note and left two chocolate coins under his pillow (lucky kid!!). Now the new teeth are coming in and pushing the next tooth out. I guess we'll be playing tooth roulette for the next couple of years... And when I saw how loose the tooth is I decided I needed to get going and finally sew him that tooth fairy pillow that I have been talking about. :) I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight.

Another indication that he's growing up is that we are now dealing with the first fad at school. We're a bit slow and I know that it's so yesterday for many kids and adults, but it's still cool on Liam's playground: Silly bandz. He's out to the toystore right now to buy some with his dad. Apparently they have been the thing for quite some time - he even got one as a present one day and then lost it in the bottom of his backpack. Of course it meant absolutely nothing to me when he came home talking about the silly bandz in the bottom of his backpack... But now I understand - finally. And I really understand the importance. You need them to show, talk about, trade, covet, give away as a present. In short, they are the social currency on the Kindergarten playground. Mark suggested I sew a pouch for them, but I remember how important the details are on the playground, so I asked Liam what the other kids keep their Silly Bandz in. Boxes. Silly bandz are either around your wrist or in boxes. Not pouches. So I told Mark to get a box, too. I assume they sell them at the toystore. These things are usually sold together. (Clever marketing people!).

So, my toothless, growing Liam is getting Silly Bandz that will one day be smiled about like slinky bracelets, scented pencils or whatever it was we really needed to be part of things in school.

But for now they are far away from being a nostalgic memory: they are important and cool.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Summer fragments

As we are settling into a gray and rainy Vancouver winter it is nice to remember the sunshine and the colours of the past seasons.

Last summer I made a few dresses and blouses for Anouk in bright and cheerful colours. So, I decided to take those fabrics and sew them into a table runner. Little pieces of summer with light gray fabric. The pattern was inspired by the "Little Bits" quilt.

The table runner is on its way to Germany for my mom who is turning 65 tomorrow and who spent the summer with us. I hope she will remember the days and the sunshine with a smile when she puts this table runner on the table. Happy birthday Mama!

Here are the summer moments with the fabrics in the table runner.

The ocean and the beach leave so many inspiring patterns and textures around us. Here is a selection of shapes and reflections that inspired the quilting:

And here is the table runner:

Happy birthday!


Love from all of us.