Sunday, February 6, 2011

Puppet show!

Over the past couple of days the kids have been having a great time putting on puppet shows for us:

Here's the sign to the puppet show - $1 admission price:

And here are some impressions of the shows from the past few performances:

Usually there were two parallel story lines: Trolls, fairies and unicorns with Liam:

And a farm story with Anouk:

Troll boy and Rumpelstilskin flying in a rowboat:

And the farmer's wife and the donkey flying high up into the sky:

In this performance the fairies were flying high in the air:

And here everyone was getting ready for a long journey on a big boat:

The second story line was dwindling a bit at this point:

The farmer standing next to the pussy willow tree:

Liam says the best thing about the puppet show was when everyone was on the boat sailing around.
For me the best part was the lightning storm when pieces of yellow yarn came down onto the boat as lightning.

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