Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Yeah, try pronouncing that one my non-germanophone friends!
It's sushi night at our house (the overwhelmed feeling from the last post is still there and between getting work done and a post-vaccinations fussy baby, we're having sushi...). Anyways, sushi means we pull out our most German of all our kitchenware: the Fruehstuecksbrettchen! I tried to find something like a cultural history of the Fruehstuecksbrettchen, but nothing to be found, not even a wikipedia entry... 
What I was able to find are numerous websites selling Fruehstuecksbrettchen, in both traditional and funky designs. For those of you who are still unsure what exactly a Fruehstuecksbrettchen is, well, it's usually made out of wood, it very thin and often melamine coated. There are more rustic ones that are thick wood slabs as well. Ours were a gift last Christmas and are antique ones made out of porcelain.
And they make fantastic sushi plates:

Does anyone have more information on this very German piece of kitchenware? Any stories about your favourite Fruehstuecksbrettchen? Please share them with everyone in the comments section!

1 comment:

Christa said...

Dear Claudia,
there is a website that shows the virtual "Deutsche Brettchen-Museum" (just in German, but there is a gallery):
Greetings from Basel
Christa Diemel