Friday, August 26, 2011

Turning 3.

Anouk started in her new daycare a couple of weeks ago and she has been the happiest little girl in the city. She is finally a "big girl". She really warms my heart, to see her grow, to see her learn, to snuggle with her and to see the world through her eyes.

Tomorrow she will turn three. It's hard to believe it's been three years...

She has been looking forward to this birthday for a long time, probably the first birthday she really planned ahead of time and experiences as her own special day.

I asked her what she would like for her birthday:

"A cow."
"You really like farm animals. You like your piggy, you like playing with your farmer..."
"Actually I don't need a cow. I already have one." [true]
"Is there anything else you would like? You like playing with the baby dolls..."
"I already have a doll."
"I don't need anything."

Big snuggle, tear wiped out of the corner of my eye... Bewilderment - is she turning 30 or 3??!!

I guess it just really shows that she is absolutely happy - and that makes me absolutely happy.

One thing she has been adamant about: chocolate cake with smarties. No problem.

And over the last few days she has been wanting a truck, a really big truck. We got her a red fire truck. And a red balancing bike (the ones without pedals). I think she'll be pretty stoked.

And when the kids were in bed tonight I finished her dress for her birthday - in bright colours with zebras (she really likes zebras, too!).

Happy birthday, my happy big girl!

1 comment:

beth said...

Wow, I see both of you in her expressions so much! 3 years old! I hope she enjoys her special day with the chocolate cake and all. Lots of love.