Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Kitsilano Preservation Society

This weekend was one of those nice warm Vancouver weekends. I spent the weekend putting that warmth and that sunshine into jars. Of course it is crazy to do this on a hot day, but how else do you get the sunshine into the jars??

It was so wonderful to work with a friend all day long. We went through 30 kg of tomatoes, worked hand in hand while the kids were outside in the wading pool and the husbands were watching them. I don't usually spend that much time in the kitchen, Mark does almost all of the cooking around here, so this was a real treat.

La Pommarola - ingredients:

Tomatoes, white onion, a dash of salt and two basil leaves in each jar, sunshine, warmth, friendship

That would have been enough for one weekend: 26 litres of tomato sauce for two families!!

But, once you start canning, you can't stop. It becomes a compulsion. The thought of neatly aligned jars of yummy food on the counter to then put away in the cupboard for a rainy day...

And, the plums are ripe. All of them. 

So, we canned halved plums and made copious amounts of plum jam. 

Enough? No. Blackberries are ripe, too. And what's a lazy weekend breakfast without blackberry jam? See - you get it! 

Now, I'm pretty tired, hot and sweaty and really happy with our bounty. 
I guess this is why my friend calls me a "Pazza furiosa"!


beth said...

Sounds ideal! We want to have a preserve swap party this summer - everyone makes stuff and then you swap to get a haul of goodies. Love the look of all of that! x

Claudia said...

What a great idea! It would be so nice to have a preserve swap party!

angelakrebsblog said...

Uuuuh! Wish I could have been there to help...and taste ;-)