Saturday, August 13, 2011


I remember coming home from summer vacation to a nice pile of postcards: "Having fun on the beach! See you in September" "Lots of rain in the mountains this year, had really good fondue last night." And I in turn would spend sunny afternoons while on vacation writing postcards to my friends.

It's too bad that we don't spend time writing postcards anymore... Emails and blogs have taken over. We're in touch all the time, but still... I miss those postcards... My kids were lucky to receive a postcard each from their friends on holidays and they receive the odd postcard from their grandparents.

This summer I didn't write any postcards and I didn't even write on this blog...

So, I thought I would send a few postcards on this blog. Over the next couple of weeks I'll send some postcards here with pictures and stories from our holidays. There will be rain and sun, the ocean, a boat, a bear, animals and children...


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