Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Do you want some pasta?

That's the question Anouk has been asking us lately as she is busy cooking up some food for us in her pretend kitchen.

Her grandfather made her a beautiful little store for Christmas and everyone chipped in to fill the store with all sorts of yummy wooden food. One friend gave her a set of pots and pans and she loves going to the store, shopping and then cooking her food for us and for "her kids" (=her dolls).

The problem was that she didn't have a stove. And we have no room for a stove in her room. So, I made her a little mat with felt circles as the elements and buttons as, well, the buttons to press to turn the stove on and get cooking. It's been working out great - so great in fact that Liam wants one too, because Anouk won't share... Well, although it would be easier to just make another one, we'll work on that whole sharing thing... And for the most part it's just fine.

Anouk and the store:

The stove top with some pasta cooking:

And here you can see some details:

1 comment:

beth said...

How clever! I love her stove.