Happy birthday Liam! It's hard to believe that Liam turned 4 on Friday! Time flies by so quickly. I know it's such a cliche' - but it does seem like yesterday that he was born...
"Happy birthday, Liam! Four years ago you were born and the world became a better place!"
Here are some pictures from his birthday:
Breakfast with cake and presents in the morning:
Anouk enjoying Liam's cake:
Liam in his Raven King costume for his birthday party. He had drawn a picture for me with the exact directions about this costume. The cloak was to be yellow with a purple rim and the crown was to be in this specific shape with 60,000 feathers (OK, I cheated, I didn't use 60,000) and of course there were to be jewels on his crown!
... and here he is only 4 years ago, just an hour or so old: